Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Grandpa Tuttle

My husband's grandfather, Allen Tuttle came to stay with us for 5 days. It was such a fun week with him. He suffers from Alzheimer's, but is the sweetest man I have met. He is in the best shape, and wore us out! He walked with us to take Kate to school, went shopping, to the movies, out to lunch, helped clean out the garage, and went on walks around the lake. My favorite was to have him here every morning for scripture study and prayer before Kate goes to school. We were blessed be married by this amazing man. I have leaned a lot from him, and I have him to thank for raising such a wonderful grandson. Matt is like him in many ways. He was a principal, a major in the army, and in the temple presidency, has been on missions, and was a mayor. He has many accomplishments in his life, but I think he would say his family is the one he is most proud of. We are so thankful we got this special time with Grandpa.

1 comment:

ellen said...

Those hands! Wonderful. Every time I visit my mom I take photos of her hands.